Monday, May 30, 2011

You know what I hate?

I hate 'rape' stories that are all about sex.
I try to keep my stories seperate from that file, but people still group my stories and these... THINGS.

My stories aren't even that detailed!

Ok, I know what you're thinking: They have TONS of details!

But take a look at the other rape/'rape' stories out there, and you'll see how detailed theirs are.
Suddenly, mine don't seem to bad..

I usually say 'chest' insted of 'breasts/boobs'.
 I always avoid words meaning guy part/girl part [Usually filling it in with 'down below'].

Meh, I just hate how people group us together like that =[

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

6 Followers,, I pwn all ^-^

Six followers - six EPIC followers!
Thus, as previously mentioned, I pwn all ^-^

I've got a new story up called "Midnight's Veil" which is based on the anime "Hell Girl".
I'm trying out writing Chapters, and so far it's coming along alright...

It's not getting a lot of readers though =/

Friday, May 20, 2011

I got's 2 followers and 1 new story :o

You dirty stalkers ;]

Up to two followers, Imma catch up to you taco!!

My new story is called "Lucky" which, YES, is another *cough ahem cough, 10 year old brother over shoulder cough* themed story - but this time there's a twist!

The victim is a boy.

I feel all special for coming up with something original :D

Now, I won't be starting right away as I tend to get wrapped up in current stories and forget about my old ones [my apologies to CB&C readers e.e] so although I have the topic up, I won't be writing quite yet.

But, that leaves room for suggestions! So if you've got a suggestion for this story, tell me in the comments!

...I'm batman!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'Tis my corner yo.

*points to the title*

This is my new blog, in which I will post my thoughts, poems, stories and such.

I will be startings very soon =]